Jesus, 2,000 years ago, came as the Messenger of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, to bring the people the higher way of truth, to help them understand about the ‘Kingdom’ and how they could become a part of it. He was sent by Divine to bring the people the Pathway of Life upwards to have life eternally.
In this book, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL who brought the words through Jesus 2,000 years ago, explains the greater teachings of Jesus. He brings HIS Divine Love and the ‘road’ to eternal life through. These are true gems for those who desire to understand the highest spiritual pathway.Many topics are discussed with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, such as:
•Who the Great Creators are,
•Who Jesus was as ‘the man,
•What was the mission of Jesus?
•The Great Father Emmanuel, who is HE?
•Jesus, The Divine Love Element and The Word,
•Has Jesus returned at this time?
•The teachings about ‘paradise.
•Your Personal Alignment,
•The Return of the Great Sun Consciousness,
•Universal Creation,
•The Great Gathering, what is it?
Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great talks to those who desire to be within their heart of love. 2,000 years ago, HE spoke through Jesus to help people to understand who HE is. HE always promised to return, and now HE has, as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Ascension Channel, The Word & Author of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & CAEAYARON, (Kryon), THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT.
Reviews ...

Words cannot describe the feelings that I feel as I had read chapter to chapter as I turned the pages of this book. So,so powerfully written by Suzanna, there is no doubt in my mind that this book is of the Divine, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great! All the way from the beginning in Vol.1, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel the Great explains about he nature of the human body of how it was created along with the earth, the universes, and the animals. Furthermore, it explains how his being was created along with Caeayaron Master of Alignment of Magnetic Forces. Very greatfull of this information, because I had searching for truth all my life and I feel that this book explains the answers to life and the human condition as to way do we do the things we do. I tell if you the truth, if one has not gotten this book as of yet and have not read it, please get a copy (smile)!! Namaste and much love!!
Marcus Bailey